Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NER Employees complete IMPACT Training

During the week of June 14th, every NER employee located at our corporate facility participated in IMPACT training. The classes were extensive, intense yet very enjoyable for all. Here’s a little bit about IMPACT.

IMPACT is a Continuous Improvement Philosophy with Four Guiding Principles:
1. Total System approach where we look at how our actions affect the entire system so that we avoid creating problems elsewhere in the chain.
2. Process and Result driven where we understand that improved processes are the only way to get improved results.
3. Problems are Treasures that should be embraced for the opportunities they create.
4. Non-Judgmental approach to improvements fosters open communication and teamwork

IMPACT Promotes Seven Concepts to help Improve our Performance:
1. Quality at the Source
2. Speak with Data
3. Incremental Improvements
4. Customer/Market Focus
5. Standardized Work
6. Pre-Production Pioneering
7. Customer Identification

Lastly, IMPACT also Encourages Elimination of Waste Through the use of 7S
1. Separate and eliminate unnecessary items
2. Straighten necessary items in order for easy access and cleaning
3. Scrub every…make it clean
4. Safety is important…remove hazards from the workplace
5. Spread the message of the first four steps and make it a ‘way of life’
6. Standardize the first five steps with a system
7. Satisfy the internal and external customers

NER is dedicated to excellence in all that we do. Our renewed dedication to IMPACT in our process-oriented business will help us achieve our goal of being a World-Class organization.

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