Thursday, January 10, 2013

Aurora High Resolution Temperature Sensing Strip

NER Data Corporation (NER), a leader in Data Center Infrastructure Optimization Solutions announced today the release of the Aurora High Resolution Temperature Sensing Strip. This patent pending full-length monitoring strip mounts to the face or door of any style cabinet 40U or higher and couples a series of 8 temperature sensors with an array of high intensity LEDs. Aurora visually displays a range of cool (blue) to hot (red) and a blend of 129 colors in between to provide the appearance of a “live” CFD. Optional wireless communication, gateway and management interface enable the temperature readings for all 8 sensors per strip to be captured for trending and alerting purposes. Aurora’s resource-saving communications require just one port to capture up to 800 different sensor readings.

“The Aurora is the perfect self-policing, real-time troubleshooting tool to clearly identify potential cooling or heat-related issues” said NER’s Vice President, Robert Huttemann. “Data Centers are dynamic environments, so the instantaneous feedback is invaluable when monitoring changes or validating best-practice improvements.”

“Aurora is extremely accurate because it measures air temperature, not surface temperature and with temperature being monitored over the entire height of the cabinet it is perfect for aisle containment and areas susceptible to temperature stratification.” said Anthony Gennello, NER’s Lead Developer and inventor of Aurora.” “Data centers typically cool to room or to spot, but cabinets present their own cooling dynamics and this became highly visible to data center managers during our Beta tests conducted in leading Healthcare, Financial, Education, Government, IT, and Fortune 100 data centers.”

NER manufactures Aurora in the US and is currently accepting orders for product delivery in mid-January. Huttemann further adds, “Aurora is a perfect example of how NER is a Value Added Partner to both our resellers and their end-user customers by providing innovations that fill the gap in technologies found in the market today.”

1 comment:

  1. The first orders have left the building! Production is rolling and the Aurora strips are starting to make their way to DC's.

    This is going to be huge! Awesome work team!
