Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Firmware for the Falcon FMS

Customizable GUI Shows Status and Values - Calculated PUE/DCiE
Upload your own floor plan as a .jpg and the status of integrated inputs and sensors will be displayed on the floor plan.

Generally, monitoring systems with graphical floor plans showing equipment and sensors cost tens of thousands of dollars. Until now, these features have not been available on basic or mid-market monitoring systems.

New Firmware features:
- An image file of the floor plan can be easily uploaded to the Falcon FMS and configured by the end user.
- Map will display color coded values of sensors (temperature, humidity, amps, etc.) as well as the status of integrated digital inputs and Modbus Groups.
- Information and values from equipment integrated via Modbus are grouped and displayed as a summary value (circle) and are links. All information within the group can be viewed by selecting the link.

Floor Map Example

Calculate the PUE/DCiE of power meters integrated into the Falcon FMS.
Power monitoring is as important as ever and understanding the impacts of the changes to your power infrastructure is critical. For years, the Falcon FMS has had the ability to monitor and provide alarm notification on the values from integrated power sensors and meters. Now, in addition to the monitoring, alarm notification and logging of your power values, the Falcon FMS will provide a graphical display showing how effective or efficient your power infrastructure is.

Firmware features:
- Up to 16 power meters can be integrated into the Falcon FMS.
- Thresholds can be set for alarm notification when values exceed acceptable limits.
- The Falcon FMS can be configured to calculate and display the PUE/DCiE.
- Calculated PUE/DCiE values can be logged internally on the Falcon FMS to allow historical views of the information.

FMS Main Page example:

The firmware including these features is available June 17 and can be uploaded from RLE’s Web site to any FMS running 8.4.x or higher firmware (available since March 2010).

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