Friday, October 22, 2010

NER to Offer Bluestone’s Energy Incentive Services for Data Centers

NER now offers Bluestone’s Energy Conservation Services through a national network of resellers. These new services identify energy conservation measures in facilities, qualify the measures for appropriate utility incentives, and manage construction of projects, working closely with the utilities to bring incentive money to customers.

“Electric and gas utilities across the nation have created incentive rebate programs for their commercial and industrial customers to implement qualified energy saving projects. While these programs are readily available to customers, the variety and complexity of state rebate programs makes navigation and qualification difficult.” said Rob Huttemann, Vice President at NER. “With Bluestone’s help, we can take an energy conservation project from inception to completion, ensuring utility approval and lowering data center project costs for the customer.”

“The partnership with NER will make Bluestone services and solutions available on a much broader basis, and provide us a channel to share our expertise and experience with Utility incentives,” said Adam Fairbanks, Vice President of Business Development at Bluestone. “We have participated in utility programs for over twenty years and our engineers are skilled in qualifying efficiency measures for prescriptive, custom and comprehensive utility incentives. Last year we obtained over $4 million of incentives for efficiency projects at our customers’ facilities. We are confident in NER and their reseller partners’ ability to convey our story to a broad group of data center owners and operators.”

Data center power density grew an average of 15 percent per year over the past 10 years. This type of statistic is just one reason why NER is committed to providing environmentally responsible Solutions and Services that increase overall efficiency and reduce consumption.

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